Tuesday, June 28, 2011

the untold love story pt 1

A few weeks ago Daddy and Mom gave us an envelope and a worn diary. "I think you two are old enough to read these now." Daddy looked on the verge of tears, something I had never seen until that moment.
"They're from your parents, they were left to you after they died." Mom clarified. She gave both Downy and I a kiss on the forehead before they both left the living room.
I'm 15 and Downy, 14. Were we actually old enough to handle reading these? Letters and a diary from our dead parents? Parents Downy had almost no memory of and memories I myself had almost forgotten.
We decided to read the letters in the envelope first, Downy reading over my shoulder as I held them for us both to see.
The first was from our mother. We looked at each other hesitantly before finally settling our eyes on the paper to read,
Tears silently, other then then occasional sniffle, rolled down our cheeks. We didn't bother wiping them away before we read Dad's, there would only be more tears.
For a long while we sat, holding each other and crying. After what felt like hours of crying by ourselves Drover came in. He said nothing, merely kicked off his boots and curled up with us.

It wasn't until the next day that we were able to read Mom's diary. Most of it was from the time I was born.
Downy and I sat together again in the living room and she read aloud from it, her voice a bit shaky.

Today is the absolute worst day of my life! I slept with a married man! and what's worse? he has KIDS. Berry almighty I feel awful. what kind of person am I?
We let our desires get control of us and BOOM BAM in a hotel room with our clothes off!!!!
"The next bit is more ranting..." Downy explained as she skipped to the next entry.

Found out I'm pregnant today. I had always pictured pregnancy as a joyous time.
Not a time of complete and utter self-loathing. An affair baby. can that scream tart or what?
Downy paused and looked at me, not sure if she should continue or not. I nudged my head towards the book, silently telling her to continue.

Cello has been so great this whole time. He's the best friend I could ask for. He'll do the dishes, the laundry, everything. I told him since he's being such a huge and outstanding help that he doesn't need to pay rent but he insists.
He was the most help when I was going through my hormonal phases.
"I'm an awful person!" I would cry and he would just hold me and tell me how wonderful I was. and I actually believed him too. That was the magic he could work.
he made sure I knew the baby was a spectacular little thing too. I complained about it being all the baby's fault for a while. Cello put a stop to that though.

"Babies are little miracles, Car. So much can go wrong in there, but the baby fights it. Remember that OK? Babies are little fighters and so are you."

Today when I woke up... something started to dawn on me. I ... think I'm falling in love with Cello. My best friend! oh mother of berry what will I do?
No no just calm down self. I don't really need to do anything about it right? It may just be a little crush... right?

Downy let out a little laugh. "What?" I asked. "Mom was a pretty inconsistent with her entries." She said before continuing to the next entry.

Yesterday was THE BEST!
we were watching Splash (Cello loves his soaps) and I was starting to dose off on his shoulder when all of a sudden I felt him kiss me!
it was amazing! neither of us said anything, we just kissed and kissed. My head felt like it was floating!
eventually things got pretty heavy and we went back to my room.
what? preggos can have fun too?
Downy and I laughed together at our mother's words before she read more.

decided to split this into two parts, next part soon!