Thursday, June 23, 2011

of love and lemons

This is told from Drover's POV as he regals Violet with the stories as told to him by various siblings.

Love didn't come that easy for my family.
So it was no surprise that my sisters had some issues with their love life when the time came.
But hey, what do I know about love? I'm only 8.

Biloba, apparently (I wouldn't know since I hadn't been born yet) , had a major crush on the baby sitter they had when they were about my age. She had kept quiet about it for years, but her and Heliotrope became really good friends as they got older. And some how that crush turned into "puppy-love", whatever that means. I mean she's not a puppy.
Anyways, Bily-Bo blew up when she saw him at that weird domed butterfly place huggin' on some other girl.

Biloba saw Helio with  a girl his age at the Butterfly Esplanade. She started crying and felt her heart break in two. Poof. There go her chances with him.
Helio turned and saw his closest gal pal (besides the one he was in the midst of hugging) crying and he ran up to her.
Apparently he was at some wedding of a friend's and he got some funny looks when he ran off to a crying 17 year old.
"Bily-bo what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He reached up to her face to wipe away the tears when she smacked his hand away.
"All this time I was waiting for you to finally grow a set of cherries and tell me you love me too, but that was never going to happen was it?! You couldn't have just said 'Hey lets be friends instead'? No! You had to rip my berry-lovin' heart out!" She was fuming , bursting open, and probably not making too much sense to the reception party behind them.
Heliotrope looked at her, his face melted into dumbfounded apprehension before he meekly uttered. "You think I don't love you?"

He sucked in a deep breath. "I do love you, Biloba Flower. I have for a while now. But do you know how hard it is for a 16 year old to realize they're falling for an 11 year old? It's sick! I felt like a disgusting pervert because I was some teenager wanting to whisk you away when you were still a kid!" He sighed heavily. "But I do love you Biloba."

She closed her eyes tight, forcing tears to stay in. "Then why where you just with her?!" She gestured wildly to the reception. "Don't tell me you love me if you don't!"
"I didn't think it would happen, us. So I was trying to move on. But.. I guess I don't need to move on now." Biloba was confused for a second then she realized what he meant as he grabbed her cheeks and kissed her gently.
"Eee-eeew!" Both Violet and I started laughing then.
"They really kissed?" Violet asked me in her sweet high-pitched voice.
"They did! That's what Genny said." We laughed again.
Biloba's story made me think of something. "Hey, Vi? You know that saying, 'if life gives you lemons then make lemonade?" She gave me a bouncy nod in answer.
"I guess Bily-bo doesn't listen to that." I chuckled.
"The only thing she would do with lemonade is throw it in life's face." She joked and we laughed together again.

After a quick break to get some fruit punch and popcorn, I continued the story session with Vi.
Violet was practically bouncing with excitement when I got back.
"Ok so what about Genoa?" She couldn't hold in her curiosity any longer and asked before I even had a chance to sit back down.
I chuckled at her eagerness. "Genny hasn't actually hooked up with him yet, but Mare and Bily said its only a matter of time."


Genoa had recently gotten a job at a hospital that did important scientific research. She was requested actually. Both Genoa and Biloba did excellent in school. They tied as Valedictorian, however Genoa had better grades in her science classes than Bily (mainly since Bily would be too squeamish to do dissections).
They had Genny on a team that did research on vampires. The team had two goals; to understand vampirism and to create a cure for those who wanted it. Mariner was actually a back up member of the team, back up meaning if they needed another set of hands or such he would help out. What Mariner mainly did was research dreams and their affects.
One of her first patients was a vampire named Universe. All of the patients were volunteers for different tests that went on. Universe had volunteered for blood testing.
Genoa was one of the few on the team who had gone threw nursing school and also wasn't afraid of the vampires.
Genny caught sight of his face when she walked in and had to take a moment to compose herself.

"Take all the time ya need, Doc. I know it takes people a few minutes to get used to my beauty." He said, seemingly straight faced.
All professionalism went out the window then. One thing Genoa did not go for was egotistic people, and she makes that clear every time. "Don't go patting yourself on the back just yet, Nibbles."
The vampire chuckle then. "I can hear your heartbeat, Doc. It went two times faster when you saw me." A triumphant and cocky grin spread across his face.
Genny cleared her throat and brushed his comment aside. She knew he could hear her heartbeat but she still hoped to Berry that he wasn't paying attention to it.

"Well, if you're done having fun we'll look at your blood results." Genny put on a serious face and did her best to push all snarky comments back. "Oh I could still have a lot more fun with you." He wiggled his brow at her and yet again she knew he could hear her heartbeat increase.
Damn vampires and their improved senses!

Before he had a chance to make some comment that would reinforce the growing notion that he was a berry-hole, Genoa started analyzing his blood and commenting aloud.
"Your rainbow blood cells seem to be normal in shape and size-"
"Oh my size is anything but normal." Ignoring that.
"But your red band on each rainbow blood cell seems to be larger. And your white blood count seems drastically higher." She scrawled notes in her own short hand in her note book that lay beside the monitor.
"This may be why you vampires seem to glow."
"No, Doc, that's just the aura of sexiness." His grin grew wider when Genoa turned to give him a straight faced glare.
Genny let out a deep breath, calming herself from verbally ripping the vampire a new one.
"Anyway, we'll analyze the results further and call you if we need further testing or if you wish to volunteer for any other research experiments you're free to come back." Of course that last bit was added in, just in hopes of seeing him again.
"Is that an invitation, Doc?" He eyed her as he stood to leave.
"It wasn't an invitation, but free will is free will." Genny was never a good actress but not for the lack of trying.

> Hospital used is by camimh
> Universe is so fun to write dialogue for X3

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