Wednesday, June 1, 2011

a new life pt.1

In order to get this out I needed to give Mariner a GF. lol the drive was a bomb anyway XD

For the next few years life was peaceful and we all came together as one giant family unit.
But the good times didn't last long.

It all started off very well and good the few years prior. Like when Carissma and Cello had a little girl, Downy Pearl Bismark.
And then about five years after that when I became pregnant again.

"Mom are you seriously wearing that dress?" Mariner asked, obviously apprehensive of my maternity dress. "Mare, who's the stylist?" I turned to him. "Obviously not you." He shrugged and left.

The baby was closely monitored since I was 39, after all.

Labor was just as pleasant as I remembered.

Everyone loved our new boy, Drover Pinot Noir, even if he was an attention hog.

When Mariner could get away from his new fan, he would visit another admirer of his.

My baby has a girlfriend! It's about time too!

But, like I said, the good times were short lived.
It seemed unreal that we were taking Wisty and Downy home from a play date only to pull up to a destroyed home with a big SUV through the center. We all watched for a while as EMT's rushed all around the wreckage and police blocked off the public.
Before the rest of us could absorb what was going on, Wisteria burst out the back seat and ran up to a police officer. We ran after her just as the officer was saying. "Sorry hun, you can't go any further."
She pushed against him, tears streaming her face. "That's my house! That's my house!!" Realization dawned on the officer and he looked up at Merlot and I. "Do you all live here as well?"
Merlot was the only of us that could speak. "No. Just the girls." He gestured to Downy and Wisteria, both weeping against us.
Mariner, Genoa, and Biloba were still dumbfounded behind us. "Mare, get the girls back in the car." I called to him. He nodded absently before he and Genoa pulled the girls back into our car. Biloba stood by holding Drover and shielding his eyes.

The officer explained all he knew of the incident. A juiced up old man in an SUV veered off the road and flipped over the stump in their yard, sending him through the house.
Once everything was settled the status of everyone was announced to us.
The man was possibly in a coma, or brain dead,they weren't sure when the ambulance left.
Carissma and Cello..... died on impact.

We found out the following month that they had written a will. Always prepared and ready for anything, they planned for their children to out live them.
The will stated that we would become the girls' guardians.
That did nothing for the pain we suffered as we attended the funeral of our best friends, though.

For some of us it would take a while to sink in.
Others would never know what they lost.

We took comfort in what we could until it hurt just a little bit less.

After the funeral another shock occurred. Mariner came up to us after we all changed out of our funeral wear.
"Mom, Dad, there's something I need to tell you."

first part done! ;_;

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